Thursday, July 15, 2010

20th Kuching City District Camp (5th June 2010 - 9th June 2010) Part VII

Morning Inspection, all the campers / participants line up in patrol, Camp Chief will come over with the Sub-Camp Chief to check on members so as their campsite. Instruction will be given and correction will be made too. It is also a evaluation from day to day, where scouts improved themselves. Morning Inspection will be done every morning, then this is already the fourth day, it will be last morning inspection for the scouts.
Then by 9.30am, all the scouts get ready for their first activity of the day, which is Hiking. But the Hiking was not just go and hike, the scouts are given tasks and they need to d report duty once they have completed their tasks along their journey. The Hiking activity finish about noon time, so the scouts would have their lunch.

The Recycling project was help after the lunch, all materials which use must the recyclable and maybe nature. On of the tasks is creating a BP Portrait.  The activity end about 4.30pm, then all committees and campers were prepare for the camp fire and also the closing ceremony will be help right after the camp fire. 

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