Thursday, July 8, 2010

20th Kuching City District Camp (5th June 2010 - 9th June 2010) Part I

The Camp start on 5th June 2010, which all the campers need to report themselves before 8am. Before we head to the campsite, we have a breakfast at Batu Kawa (Meat Ball Noodle) with the West Malaysia Scout from 33rd Bukit Bintang, Kuen Cheng Scout Group from Kuala Lumpur. 

See.... all the meat ball Soup... Ah Kiong is saying "Lets eat~"
Then we head to the Campsite after the breakfast... Which is Batu Kawa Tropical Farm. 

We had a photo at the Entrance (Main Gate) of the Farm

The gate plates.... Looks amazing~

This is inside the farm, the road is well developed, there is lakes and also many kinds of animal inside, i was regret, because of not taking the photo of the sheep. But never mind, there is always next time.   

The long in to the campsite.......

A little bit further......

Yea.... Car park B, this is where all the staff and committee cars went to....

Here we are.... the Camp Main Gate.... Entrance....

OK... Is time to unloaded the things.....

Yea... The Long House.. this is where all the staffs and committee spend their nights and rest~

This is the kitchen, it looks great.. well organize....

This is all the foods being stored

Water for washing and cooking s well... So all have being warn, don't ever make me the water dirty~

This is the drinking water supply~

Special made coffee....

Preparing the food for first day Lunch~

The food is ready... Lunch Time.....

But what I can say is... the food for first day... was not so good...but!!!! We will Improve in the coming days~

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