Saturday, August 22, 2009

Pinoeering (28.7.2009 - 2.8.2009)

Working under the sun... Everyone seem to be hardworking

We started to the small little model two weeks before the day we went for our true pinoeering project. Me, Khai Ti and Ah Kiong where in the same group, and we work out the project in three. And another group is Kah Kiet, Yen Hua and Ah Siang. There are in a same group with another model of project. So thats mean there are two groups in the exam of the new rover training scheme. Almost every afternoon or morning, both of them come to my house and do the small model.
We first go to our Scout HQ to get some bamboo to make the model. After we cut down the bamboo, we slices it into small sticks. So it will make us more easy in making the model. On 28.7.2009, we went to 58th mile, a place after Serian, but before Balai Ringin (my grandma house) to do the project. We have apply our camp permit with out DC (Mr.Charles Yeo) and also write a inform letter to our ADC (Mr.Daniel Siong).
The weather was realy hot, and we work under the sun for six days. We return back to Kuching on 2.8.2009. Then all of us is exausted and also get sunburn in the same time. Really make all of us dry for the pass six days... But it was a very experiance project for us, since we have not touch a pinoeering for a long time....

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