Monday, January 3, 2011

How do you color your paper?

One day there is a person telling me, your life is just like a blank paper, it start with nothing, just a white clean paper. But you an decide how to color it or draw it.

When you want it to be colorful, to full with joy and happiness ... Then you can color a brighter color... Every color actually significant of different situation or mood.

If you would like to color the paper red, then it will become red, if you like rainbow, then you can always color it rainbow color... you're the one who decide the road of your life... no can make you color green while you want yellow... 

When you have draw it wrong, then you can tear it off and start all over again.... to change the black to colorful color... Life are just like drawing, that is what it say in chinese... when you color if well, it will become a great painting, when you have no direction, it become mess....when you're not careful, you mix the wrong color then become ugly~ Color selection is very important ...

Make sure you use the right color to color your paper, so it will be a great painting that make you proud....

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Expedition and Goodwill Visit to Sibu (5-7 November 2010)

Our Expedition start on 5 November 2010, around 7.15 am we have our breakfast at the Starting point of our journey which is at Pending Area, a coffee shop. After the Breakfast we start the journey. The first stop is the Serian Police Station, which we obtain the chop and sign from the Chief Police Officer.
Our Expedition program and the estimation of time traveled

We arrive at the Police Station of Sarikei. And we also manage to take the chop and sign from this Police Station. We have give a bookmark as a souvenir to the Police Officer that signed for us. 
   Arrive at Sarikei and head for our lunch there after the photo taken at the nearness Jetty.
 Accompany by Sibu District Commissioner , Mr. Ong Sing Chai to sign the visitor handbook of the Sibu Scout Headquarter.
 Dialog Session with the Rovers and Leaders from Sibu in the meeting hall of Sibu Scout Headquarter.

 Souvenir presentation to Mr. Ong Sing Chai and all the Rovers and Leaders which attended the dialog session.

My Breakfast at the Hotel 

Visited Jubilee Park at Bukit Aup

Tung Hua High School (25th Sibu Scout Group)

Souvenir Presentation to the Group Scout Leader

At Sibu Night Market

A picture with the Tourism Police

Sibu Famous dishes "Ding Bian Hu 鼎边糊"

Sibu Wet Market

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

中元节砂劳越佛教会布施活动 (22.8.2010)

Sarawak River Cruise中元节游船河兼放水灯(19.8.2010)

七月开鬼门相传每年农历的七月初一,阴间的鬼门关开大门,所有的孤魂野鬼放出来到人间。 世间的善男信女,为了祭祀自己的祖先并为了安抚那些无人祭祀的孤魂野鬼,纷纷购买牲仪果品来祭拜,所以这种教人孝亲,推己及人的民俗风气就形成了中元节,这个深具哲理意义的节日了。 七月十五日的「中元」和我国另外两个节日:正月十五日的「上元」和十五日的「下元」前后呼应。 道家认为「三元」乃「三官」的别称,而三元各为三官大帝的诞辰。 中元,地官来到人间,考察人们的善恶,所以民间在这一天有祭拜地官的仪式,但祭拜时是三官一齐祭拜的,称为「拜三界公」,这是「礼多神不怪」的心理作用。 「普渡」本来是「普遍超渡渡孤魂野鬼」的意思,和「拜三界公」原来不相干,因为时间的巧合,使民间在观念和仪式中出现将二者凑巧合而为一的混淆状况。 中国人自古就有相信七月初一「开鬼门关」、七月三十日「关鬼门关」。 就笔者来说自我懂事以来,每年到七月的前几天大人一定会叮咛全家大小在七月一日那天不要那么早开门。 在这整整的一个月期间,各地举行普渡祭典。 较早以前各地村庄,轮流举行普渡,就以新竹县芎林乡客家庄来说,每年的七月初四在栅门口举行「细婴普」。 整个七月份的祭典都排得十分紧密,后来却成为轮流大吃拜拜的奢侈习俗了。

于水中的水鬼和孤魂,是用﹁放水灯  来通知他们普渡的时间。  水灯  是用竹条三节,绑好与纸糊成盒子的形状或糊成尖顶的  纸厝  在纸厝上写了  水灯首    水灯头  ,而在厝内贴上红纸  庆赞中元   普渡阴公  等字样,并且在其中插齿一对蜡烛和几枝香。 所有的纸厝是安放在黄麻编成的筏,或是用香蕉茼做成排的筏,借着浮力漂流在水面的。 

信士手捧着水灯,在普渡的前一天,由道士领导,先游行各市街道,来到河边时再放在水面上,让它漂流而去。 如果放水灯是在黄昏或夜晚举行,点点灯火在水上漂流,远看灯光闪烁,别有情趣。 

 中元节  的普渡民俗和一般节日或纪念日的活动有很大的不同,最大的区别具阴森传统的色彩,并使人在慎终追远之时,也兴起了  抚今追者  人生的伦理情感和展望。 

  放水灯  为例,是在庙普的前一天晚上举行,吸引了很多看热闹的人潮,俗称 放水灯  的普渡民俗,是借着水灯的灯光,将淹死的鬼魂聚集起来,让他们浮出阳世,以便普渡。  水灯  分有  水灯头    水灯排  两种。 水灯头有圆形灯,上面写着 某某寺庙庆赞中元  灯排列于游行前列最前头。 小屋形状的水灯排在最后。小屋形状的水灯排在最后。屋几颗铜板钱,再将所有的灯放入河中,任其漂流而去。


Monday, August 16, 2010


有时候当你说不知道或不能时,你可想过在别人的眼中是什么吗?可能我们一辈子也不可能知道,因为是别人在想,别人在推断,是别人的认为。可是当你知道了他们的想法时,那才叫做“伤”,因为在你的心目中他们不可能这么想。 当你知道你在别人的心目中是这样的时候,失望可见得是一个让你无法用言语来表达的事。因此有时候真不知道应该说庆幸还是悲哀。应为我从以前就有一个想法,无论是我认识的人,不认识的,或只是查身而过的,都是因为个“缘”字而碰上的。所以我们要珍惜每一滴,每一个人。可是就因为珍惜,让自己越陷越深。 一次又一次的忍让,那又怎样?到后来伤的还是自己。

尽心尽力的去帮朋友,可是到后来,被认为是在后面做手脚的人, 这叫做自讨麻烦。



Monday, August 9, 2010

Kuching Festival 2010 (31 July - 22 August)

Official Poster / Advertisement for Kuching Festival 2010.
Location : Dewan Masyarakat, MBSK.
Time : 6pm - 11pm

Fishing Tale / Bunting for the festival has being hang one / two weeks before the event started. 

This is the main entrance / main gate for the Kuching Festival, being build up one week before the event.

This is what the main entrance look like during night time.

This is only part of the food that in the Kuching Festival. Will update the others again ... ... ...